If you get an email from any financial institution and it has a link you are supposed to click on for access to your account or to verify your account or any other reason, don't click it! Most likely that email is NOT from the company it says it is and you will be at best willingly giving over the information you type into their website to fraudsters. If they are really malicious, you could be installing viruses and spyware onto your computer that could do anything from give you annoying pop up ads, to steal more information or even destroy your computer. If you need access to your account online, type the companies web address (URL) directly into your web browser!
If you know the web address (URL) you are going to you do not need a search engine like Google or Yahoo. That's like going to a phone book to look up a phone number when you already know it and if it pulls up similar entries you might even accidentally go to the wrong one.
If you call your bank and they ask you for things like your SSN or account number, they already have it. They just need you to prove who you are so they don't accidentally give a thief access to all your money. And don't be surprised if they change what they ask for, it's good for companies to do that sometimes so thieves don't know what info they need to steal to get access to your accounts.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
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